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We offer workshop activities at The Orchard Trust Day Services in Lydbrook.

Shedders are encouraged to do any activity they want and we aim to facilitate that.

Currently making or mending in wood, such as carpentry, joinery, carving, whittling and furniture repair and renovation, and tool and knife sharpening and metalwork, milling and turning. Other activities include machine repairs, upholstery, and stained glass.

The projects we work on are of benefit to individuals, Orchard Trust, other groups and the broader community. The projects are of our own choosing done at our own pace, just determined by the skills of our members.

table mats
wood lathe turning guidance
sun catcher
Skill sharing

Actively pursue hobbies and have a place to go and relax knowing you are among friends. 
A place to learn and pass on skills and craftsmanship to each other.
Somewhere you feel at home, socialise and pursue practical interests.

Furniture restoration and repair

Small tables have been mended, re-hinged and re-surfaced and a chair has been mended after a severe break.

Tool repair and sharpening

Shedders have sharpened their own knives, chisels, axes, planes and even chainsaws, but items can also be brought in and sharpened for a small donation to shed funds.

Wood turning

Turning on the lathe is very popular. and a great skill to share. So far we have made garden dibbers, tool handles, bowls, candle holders and light pulls.

Stained glass

An opportunity to make small items like sun catchers up to stained glass windows.


Make that item you have always meant to with help and guidance, or mentor another Shedder to make a rustic stool, bird box, gate or a growbag table.

pillar drill
Metal milling and turning

Use the vertical miller to shape and slot or turn engineering components on the lathe.

Self assembly

Get assistance with complicated assembly projects. Many hands make light work.

burning pyrography
pole lathe demo

Get creative - The art of decorating wood with burn marks using a heated object such as a metal pen. 

Seasonal crafts

Using the willow on site you can create outdoor features, bird feeders, plant supports etc.

Green Woodwork

Use the shave horse and a draw knife to make a spoon and spatula from green timber. See our Bodgers page for more information.

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